Much more than a comic book, the WOTW teaches kids who they are in Christ and how God sees them, transformed! This is the core of Harvest Comics!

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The Warrior's Way

At the core of Warriors of the Word is the transforming power of the Gospel.


It is the mission of Harvest Comics to proclaim the Good News to children as well as people of all ages.

To walk the way of the warrior you must first declare Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead!


But don't start your journey until you have been filled with the power of the Holy Spirit! It is a command from Jesus Himself.

He also promised that we would be transformed with power when the Holy Spirit dwells within us. The evidence of this power is in the receiving of a powerful prayer language, unique to each believer. Just pray this prayer:


'Father God, I ask you to fill me now with your Holy Spirit. I believe right now that I am being transformed by the power of your Spirit and I receive my powerful prayer language! I praise you Father in the name of Jesus. Amen.'


Now, you are a Warrior of the Word!


Be sure to continue everyday praying in your heavenly prayer language, this will strengthen you for your journey and help you to hear clear instructions from the Holy Spirit!


And remember as a Warrior of the Word to stay in the Word of God everyday.


Now go out and spread the Good News and how Jesus transformed your life!

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